If you know me, you might already understand I have a strong desire to pour my heart and soul into being kind and teaching my daughter to be kind, as well. But, I have a secret to tell you. I’m not always kind. I struggle every day with why I feel like I’ve failed my biggest goal of modeling kindness for my daughter. That’s why I’m writing Random Acts Of Kindness Ideas: to offer inspiration for you, and me!
Kindness is not just being nice to say you’re “being kind.” Kindness comes from within. Kindness is contagious. That’s why it’s so important to model it for our children.
When I was a manager for a big business working in the corporate world, I interviewed many potential employees. I gave equal, if not more, attention to who the candidate was as a person on the inside, as I did to their experience and qualifications.
You see, I could teach anyone the paperwork that went along with the position, but we were in sales. People buy from people. I could not teach an adult how to be a kind, friendly, genuine person. THAT is why we must start with our children.
Related: Teaching Our Children Kindness
Random Acts Of Kindness Ideas We Can Do Today
There are many simple acts of kindness we can do today. Here are some ideas:
- Give compliments because they’re free. This is one of the easiest, free acts of kindness anyone can do at any time.
- Pay for the person behind you. If you’re at Starbucks or a fast food restaurant and have the means, pay for the order of the person behind you. I recently found these cards and just placed an order for one to check out myself. I’m looking forward to seeing the card itself, but I’m looking forward to, even more, giving it out! I will update this post with my thoughts when I receive it!
- Purchase Kindness Cards
and leave them behind wherever you go.
- Know a friend or acquaintance who is having a hard time? Make them a meal and drop it off at their house.
- Write a letter to a manager about service you received that went above and beyond your expectations. As a result, that employee will, at a minimum, receive much-deserved recognition.
- Write a positive comment on a blog or a website.
- Have a new neighbor? Take them a meal on one of their first nights in the neighborhood or just drop by to welcome them and introduce yourself.
- Write an unexpected note to a friend you haven’t talk to in a while. Even something short and sweet like, “Hey Jane, I know life gets busy all to often but I just wanted to let you know I’ve been thinking about you and am thankful we are friends. The best kind of friends are the ones you can go periods of time without talking to but pick right back up the next time as if no time has passed at all. I’m thankful you’re that kind of friend to me.”
- Offer a mom of a young child a few hours of alone time by taking care of their kid(s) for free.
There are so many things we can do to be kind. I found an enormous list at Random Acts of Kindness .org
Do you have more ideas? I would love to hear them! Together, we can make the world a kinder, happier place, one act of kindness at a time.
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