Did you know?You can still be productive when you’re sick!
Sunday afternoon I got a horrible stomach ache. There’s no shortage of tasks to do so I’m makin’ a list of how to be productive when you’re sick.
If you don’t have time to read this now, PIN it for later.
I laid in bed listening to my husband and daughter play downstairs thinking about all the things I needed to be getting done. I didn’t have time to be ill.
Often when I’m laying in bed being unproductive, I scroll through Facebook. The problem Sunday: I took Facebook off my phone two weeks ago. It has made me a better mom because if it. I do still have Facebook on my iPad but sitting up wasn’t comfortable, so that was out.
Even though I was tired, I couldn’t sleep because my stomach hurt so bad.
Determined, I continued thinking about what I could do while still laying in my bed.
While some of these might not be on your to-do list, you can still use the time you’re sick to get things done that have been easier and on the back burner.
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I could listen to a book! Oh man, I was so excited because while reading books is always on my *want* to do list, it rarely makes it to my priority list because of my current season of life. There are so many other things that must get done: laundry, meal planning, taking children to and from school and activities. You know the deal. The list goes on and on.
I have Audible
on my phone so that was the answer! I opened the app, found a book I’ve been wanting to read or listen to for quite some time (which was How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and How to Listen So Kids Will Talk
Read a book
Alternatively, you could catch up on reading a book. For me, reading versus listening to a book depends on how I’m feeling. Sometimes, if you’re feeling nauseous, reading will not feel good. But, if you’re feeling up to it, reading a good is a great way Be productive when you’re sick.
Organize digital photos
For me, it feels like organizing, deleting, and updating all the photos on my phone is a never-ending task. When you’re sick and unable to get out of bed, or being in bed is the best place for you to be, this task is an excellent use of your time! Be productive when you’re sick by using the unexpected available time to organize or delete those photos (and videos) taking up precious storage space on your phone!
Clean out email inbox
Before I became a mom, I made it a priority to have taken action on all my emails *almost* every day. Now, even just looking at the number of unread emails is enough to cause me stress potentially!
Watch a movie or catch up on a TV series
Since I’m not a TV watcher, this would not be on my list of to-do, but it would undoubtedly be a good use of time for a busy mom who desires to catch up on her favorite Netflix show or catch the latest movie.
Read next: How to avoid the stomach flu
If you’re sick, but you still have to work, prioritize which tasks cannot wait.
When you’re sick, you’ve got to take care of yourself first; otherwise, you’re going to prolong the amount of time until you feel better. You don’t have to be productive when you’re sick if your body is telling you all you need is sleep. If that’s the case: rest.
I ended up listening to No-Drama Discipline on audio Sunday using headphones that allow me to lay flat on my pillow
. It was super comfortable, I was able to rest and felt accomplished at the same time.
Whether you chose one of the ideas I shared above to be productive when you’re sick, or something else, make sure to listen to and take care of your body first.
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